Thursday, 31 July 2008

Keep it down

I’m back! And what a journey. I alone had 9 kg overweight on my checked bag, which is equal to 63 pounds less money in my pocket. I had to check one of my 2.5 hand luggage bags as well, which was oddly enough for free. In order to do that I had to repack on the airport and I had to wear one of my pretty warm coats, so I can take it with me. Thank you for air conditioning! (My toes seem to be in my way recently, outch.) In Vienna on my way to the train, some odd guy asked me where I got the suitcase from and how much it was. Mumbling like crazy and talking essentially zero content, it was a very dry conversation. And being on the feet since 10 hours didn’t help. My muscles were very weak, but don’t you dare think that somebody would help you! Muahahaha. Funny. NOT AT ALL. Rather complaining, why everything’s going so slowly. Ah people, you must love them. *Shudders*
Right now I am trying to avoid unpacking and just cleaned the other table in my room of stuff, which is not mine, in order to set up my computer. But I can’t find the other monitor and maybe it is useless anyway, as I already could move in in Vienna on Monday or Tuesday (theoretically).
I won’t get jobseeker’s allowance, because I am 16 workdays short to be entitled. But there’s something else, and if you get this other thing you have to go to the basement. I imagine that there are sitting the mean guys and upstairs are the nice ladies, who will only advise you if you get jobseeker’s allowance. I am really counting on those interviews next week. Fingers crossed!
Oh, and is it possible to get keyboards with an english layout in Austria?
Update: Yes, for Apple keyboards, this is the case. Hmmm....

This one is from my mobile phone again. No postprocessing this time.
Maybe it could’ve used some, but I’m lazy.


Monday, 14 July 2008

To quickly kill some time

What do you do if you need the computer from your boyfriend, who isn’t home right now, and you don’t have an account on said laptop? You write a blog entry, containing a few updates and why you need that thing so desperately.
As I mentioned earlier, my family is here. My dad just took one 2 GB memory card with him, which was a mistake. So I have it now to get those pics off and burn it on DVD afterwards (use number 2). My computer doesn’t really like that SD card. While Windows only reads half of it, Mac doesn’t like it AT ALL. So that’s where use number 1 comes in. I need the Intel based Mac machine to get at least half of the pictures from that card. It is 12 minutes past 10. I am tired, because we went around London all day and I’m cold (have I mentioned that it is July?).
I took some awesome pictures of squirrels today, with said camera and I was keen on uploading a few. We fed them some chips in Greenwich Park and tried to ignore the fat pigeons. So that was fun! I don’t like my digital camera anymore, that’s why there won’t be much pics to post (camera phone pics anyone?). I’ll do my best to pimp the camera phone pics somehow. Since America I don’t like my own camera anymore. So I need a job quickly, to allow myself a new camera.
I’m pulling the pics from my mobile phone and I’ll post a taster of those squirrels.

It’s impossible to pimp those pics!

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Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Jeux d'enfants (Love me if you dare)

What a strange (french) movie! Especially if it seems that there are voices (laughing?) in the background. I really didn't quite like it. No. Maybe it would be better to see it in the original (I saw it in German). What a bummer!

Jeux d'enfants on imdb


The unbearable lightness of being unemployed

As the weather is not inviting at all to do ... stuff, I might as well write another rant about my situation here. I got a few invitations for interviews in Austria waiting for me. And I am so grateful, one can’t imagine! It really seems a slightly bit easier to get work after a few years of experience in your pocket. It might sound presumptuous, but maybe the UK thing did help as well. But I won’t wait until the money really comes in to get a nice flat in Vienna. This task might be a bit harder though, with us still being abroad. Those estate agents with their commission are not making it easier! I hate you! I won’t pay three monthly rents just because of your smart dress. There were voices out there to change that, and there did actually happen something but nothing big, because they are all complaining. Oh, come on!
What else? I am waiting for a few pounds from the UK (tax refund), the council (Council Tax) and the water company (thanks again for non-metered water!).
My family (parents and sister) is coming on Friday. We will explore London and hopefully Brighton. I haven’t been to Greenwich yet. So please! Rain! GO AWAY!
On Saturday is The Big Dance 2008 on Trafalgar Square. If you are in London either come and see or come and dance! There are still around 400 places left. I would’ve liked to do more during this event, but the weather was oh so disgusting. I guess we’ll have to turn on the heating again. I much rather spend the day in bed, sleeping. Brrrr.
Ah and for the record! Our flight home is on the 30 July. I am planning to be in Vienna the week after (4 August), to do a few interviews and hopefully look at a few flats as well. I am afraid it is time for me to get a Wiener Linien annual travelcard. Ah the fun of a new beginning! No! Honestly! I like it.

The Willow Tea Rooms, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Let’s have some tea for my cold toes.

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Saturday, 5 July 2008

QuarkXPress 8.0

I recently discovered an entry about the new QuarkXPress 8.0 (via Michael Preidel). But I am really bad with reading all that interesting stuff I stumble upon. There are PLENTY of folders in my bookmarks toolbar, which are called Things to read, to read or similar. But with my aim to use Firefox instead of Safari, it is a bit easier, because I just keep those tabs open until they annoy me that much, that I have to read it, or forget about it.
So. QuarkXPress 8.0. The big news:
There are now single-letter key commands for Tools in the Tool Palette.

Wow! What a winner! InDesign has that since, at least version 2, I think and is currently available as version 5.
OK, to be fair here. I worked with QuarkXPress 6, which basically is just useless. The 7 version got so much better, so I guess 8 adds the few things users asked for after 7. But I so much hope that I never have to work with that tool again, at least not that intense as I did the last six months.

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Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Erykah Badu, 30/06/08, Brixton Academy, London

We had to wait for hours, but it was definitely worth it! At the beginning we were so far at the back, that I didn't believe that it is really her. I really got even more short-sited after those six months of work. Moved a little to the front behind a tall guy, where nobody dared to stand. That was better. But no pictures, at least not from me. But I found a set on flickr. They aren't that bad, but ISO 1600 shows if you look at the bigger versions. Ouch. But you did a good job man! Don't be afraid!

Originally uploaded by PaulJay

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